


Company name: UNIX AUTĂ“ Kft.

Address: 1139 Budapest, Frangepán road. 55.-57.

Owner: Antal Zombori (CEO)

Registering court: Metropolitan Court of Registration

Company registration No. Cg: 01-09-072803

Tax code: 10465802-2-44

EU tax code: HU10465802


Information about online dispute resolution (ODR)

The European Commission provides a platform for dispute resolution (ODR), which is available at the address: Our company is not obliged to participate in the dispute resolution procedures conducted by consumer arbitration court.


Initiating procedure by the conciliation board

If a legal dispute between the Service provider and the Purchaser cannot be settled by means of negotiating with the Service provider, then the Purchaser, who is qualified as consumer, may submit the case to the conciliation board having jurisdiction according to the residence or place of staying of the Purchaser, and may initiate the procedure of the Conciliatory board, and may also submit the case to the Conciliatory board having jurisdiction according to the address of the Service provider.

In the context of rules relevant for the Conciliatory board the following identities are regarded as consumers according to separate law: civil organization, church, attached houses, residential cooperatives, micro-, small and medium companies, who purchase, order, receive, utilize goods, or are the addressee of commercial communication or offer related to goods.

The relevant body according to the address of the Service provider is the Budapest Conciliatory Board.